This website gives quick insight into my work and I hope you can find all details that you need below. Otherwise, please don't hesitate to contact me at I'd love to hear from you.
I wrote most of the openEO API and process specifications. I also contributed significant parts of the STAC and STAC API specifications, including a large number of extensions. From time to time, I also contributed to some of the OGC API standards. I'm fluent in writing specifications based on OpenAPI and JSON Schema.
I love to code in JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, and R. A small excerpt of open-source software that I'm maintaining:
- STAC Browser and several of its dependencies
- openEO Web Editor and several of its dependencies
- stac-js
Please check my GitHub profile for a better overview of my open-source work. You can sponsor my work through GitHub sponsors, too.
Leadership & Consulting
The openEO Project Steering Committee has elected me as chair and I'm also member of the STAC Project Steeting Committee. I regularly guide companies to find the best way to adopt or improve their STAC and openEO stratagies. More information on contracting me...
In the past I was contracted by and worked with (in alphabetical order): Avineon/Tensing, Cecil, CloudFerro, Element 84, EODC, EOX, EURAC Research, OGC, Planet Labs, Radiant Earth Foundation, SPACEBEL, Taylor Geospatial Engine, Telespazio VEGA UK, UP42, and VITO. This includes projects funded by ESA and NASA.
Recent Blog posts
- Analysis-Ready Data in Practice from a Cloud-Native Perspective
- STAC 1.1.0-beta.1 released
- Creating Interoperable Field Boundary Data with the fiboa Converter Tool
Recent Talks
- FOSS4G / FOSSGIS Conference Slides
- State of STAC (FOSS4G Europe 2024) - YouTube
- ol-stac: STAC and OpenLayers combined (FOSS4G Europe 2024) - YouTube
- openEO - API for Earth Observation Workflows (ESIP IT&I) - YouTube
- openEO: What it is and how it relates to Pangeo (Pangeo Showcase) - YouTube
You can contact me via:
- BlueSky
- GitHub
- Mastodon (inactive, just an archive)
- Twitter (inactive, just an archive)
Please see the imprint for further contact options.